Sorry it's been a while since I posted, it's been major hectic around the house. We decided to have Easter at our house, so there was lots of cleaning and preparing to be done. We also changed Amanda to a forward facing carseat finally. Her infant carseat is rated up to 30 pounds, so she could have stayed in it longer, but she was growing out of the straps, so we decided it was time to move on.
I've been doing weight watchers for the last several weeks, and so far I'm down almost 9 pounds! My best friend and I have a bet and whoever loses the most weight in 6 months buys the other a spa treatment. I'm hoping I win that!
Pictures to follow, as I haven't had a moment to download them yet.
Friday Amanda and I both had the day off for Good Friday. So first thing we did was go down to Babies 'R Us. The weather has been getting warmer so I needed to get some light sleepers for her in 24 month size. Of course we stocked up on diapers, wipes and several other toys while we were there too :)
Then we came home and while Amanda napped I cleaned and had groceries delivered from This was my first time doing it, and I *loved* the convenience! They put all the groceries in my kitchen, I signed the paper and they were gone. No spending hours looking for stuff at the market!
Saturday was more cleaning. Amanda and I took a walk in the afternoon since the weather was so good. Mike fixed a couple of things around the house, and I decorated.
Sunday was Easter. Amanda got an Easter Basket this year, but didn't seem to really be interested. I decided not to do pictures with the Easter Bunny this year, as we did them last year. I spent an hour standing in line which wasn't bad when she was 3 months old. But now she's a toddler who wants to run around, so I wasn't about to risk that this time around!
My sister Erin called in the morning and told me they weren't coming - Andrew (my nephew) had been up in the middle of the night throwing up. So we went to Church where the sermon was about "new hope" and they had this video of a couple in the Church that had had twins born *really* early (27 weeks) and how faith got them through it. I had tears streaming down my face. Picked up Amanda and headed home. My parents were coming early to help Mike change the oil in his car, so they got there about noon. Amanda greeted them with "Bye-bye" (her new word) and RAN to my sister Ilene's arms. So much for my clingy little girl! She was running away from me all day to be with her aunt and grandma!
Anyway, they told me Erin might be coming, that Andrew was feeling better. So I re-set the table for them. We stuffed eggs for the hunt and my mom kept giving Amanda candy! Good Lord she was hyper from sugar! Erin called around 2:30 and said they WERE coming. They got to my house about the time the ham was ready, but then I realized I forgot the potato casserole! ack! So we did the egg hunt while the casserole cooked. Amanda actually showed more interest in egg hunting than I thought. She figured out that the eggs with jelly beans make noise if you shake them, so she went around looking for the eggs that made noise :) So cute!
Then I discovered Erin didn't bring the salad she was supposed to, so I quickly put together some steamed veggies, and sat down to dinner. But the kids had had so much candy by then, they weren't into sitting and eating, so I had a quick bite and then ran around with Amanda & Andrew until everyone else was done. Then they watched Amanda while I cleared the table. After they left, Amanda was still bouncing off the walls, so I was running around with her until bedtime. Then I finally got to sit down.