Amanda offering me a cracker on Christmas Eve:
And my grandmother and sister standing next to my parent's Christmas tree... there were so many presents around it, you could barely walk past!
Christmas morning. My sister brought their stuff from Santa for my nephew, so that was the only thing ready in the morning (I left ours at home), so here they are discovering the car Andrew got.
And of course Amanda had to try it out:

Opening presents:

Christmas day we headed over to a friend's house for dinner. Us "kids" hung out in this room watching the various basketball games on tv... it looks like the Lakers vs. Celtics was still on when this photo was taken :)

Mike & I

Opening presents:
Christmas day we headed over to a friend's house for dinner. Us "kids" hung out in this room watching the various basketball games on tv... it looks like the Lakers vs. Celtics was still on when this photo was taken :)
Mike & I
And... just for comparison sake, anyone who doesn't think I lost a lot of weight this year... take a look at this Christmas photo from 2005. My face alone looks about double the size it is now!!