Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man Kevin!  2 years ago today I was relaxing in the hospital room, staring at your beautiful face and updating facebook with pictures of you :)

You have been such a joy, always laughing and interested in everything going on around you.  You have an intense concentration that I love.  I have said you are going to either be an engineer... or a hairdresser.  I still marvel at how even at 2 years old you love to run your hands through your or my hair when something upsets you.  I love how you scream and run to me when something hurts you, but after just a brief hug, you are right back in the fray.  You are one tough cookie, but still have a sensitive side.  If someone is crying, you are the first to walk up and give them a hug.

I love you Kevin, and look forward to many more years showing you this wonderful world!

Helping out

The kids love to help in any way they can whenever Mike and I have things to do.  These pics I took while they helped Mike wash the cars.  Unfortunately I way over-exposed a bunch of them (apparently I need to change the ISO setting when I move from shade to sun!!  duh!!), so these were the best I got.

I snapped this one just before I moved the camera out of the way of Kevin and the hose!
Kevin2ndB-day 050

This is the intense concentration Kevin gives to every task he does.   I love that little tongue!
Kevin2ndB-day 054

Amanda washing my truck
Kevin2ndB-day 083

And just this last weekend, Kevin helped clean up the yard with Mike.
Kevin2ndB-day 089

Kevin2ndB-day 094

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

funny things kids do

It's kind of hard to see but that's Kevin holding a computer mouse up to his ear like a telephone. Hilarious !!
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Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ever have one of those "I wish I did that earlier" moments?  That is today.  I found out yesterday and this morning that the kids' daycare moved all the kids up to new classrooms this week.  All, that is, except my kids.  I can kind of get where they are coming from since we are leaving this particular daycare August 1.  And truthfully I appreciate the non-move for Kevin who has barely been in this classroom a few short months anyway.  But Amanda?  Really?  She has been stuck in preschool for 18 months at this point and I have tried every which way from Sunday to get her moved up to the pre-K class, and they refused 10 times over (saying they wanted to move the whole class together and there wasn't enough room for them all).  So now that I decided to leave, you move everyone up.  Nice.

I REALLY wish we had been able to move earlier.  But alas, Kevin can't go to the new place until he's 2 which is July 27.  So we are stuck at this place for 2 more weeks.

Meanwhile every day Amanda comes home crying because she didn't get to go on the field trips with the pre-K class, and she doesn't want to go to preschool again tomorrow.  It is heartbreaking when I remember the first week she was in preschool and would come home smiling and excited about all the new stuff she was learning.  I know it's only 2 weeks, but for a preschooler, 2 weeks is like 2 years and her emotions always run into our time at home where she fights more with the rest of us.  *sigh*  God grand me the patience to get through the next 2 weeks!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


So in general I think we got pretty lucky with our kids sleeping habits.  Of course there are ups & downs, but overall both kids have been awesome sleepers.  One thing I love is how they often fall asleep in the car.  Kevin especially seems to love the movement and sound and will often fall asleep within 5 minutes of getting on the freeway.  I have taken countless pictures of the kids sleeping in my back seat!  This one to the left is from after a fun day at Grandma's.  And this next one on the right is from this year's 4th of July, after a long day and then up late to watch fireworks.  They were both in almost the exact same position! 

I wish I had brought my camera yesterday on the boat, because Kevin actually fell asleep several times in the most odd positions, that you would never think are very comfortable!