This used to be a yearly trip until 2005 when we chose to go to Lake Powell instead, and last year (2006) I was pregnant and didn't want to deal with it! Usually we tent camp, but this year I insisted on a cabin for Amanda's sake.
The first morning she was up at 6:30am on the button! So we went for a walk while everyone else slept. It was *cold*, so we bundled up:
These were the only other things out that morning:
The rest of the week, she slept in until about 7:30 so we didn't have to go on a walk! I forgot to take pictures of her in her life jacket on the boat for the first time Thursday, but she did very well. I reapplied sunscreen every 15 minutes, and I *think* we avoided any sunburns. Even so, just to make sure, she didn't go out on the boat again. Instead she hung out at the cabin:
When I went out on the boat Saturday our friends took a bunch of pictures while taking care of her, that they promised to send, so I will post those as soon as I can.
One bad thing, Amanda got sick Friday, and Friday night was NOT good. We didn't get any sleep, and Amanda was so stuffed up she could barely breathe. Until I figured out to lay her in her carseat which kept her upright enough so the congestion would drain out.
Even so, she's still sick a week later. I had to pick her up early from daycare 3 times this week - twice for a 100 degree fever, and once because she was uncontrollably coughing and crying. There's something going around though because 3 other ladies at work had the same problems with their infants. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday, but he said there's not much I can do, just give her decongestant and tylenol for the fever. I hope she gets better soon because it's breaking my heart that she's in pain and there's nothing I can do about it!
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