Over last weekend Andrew showed Amanda how to put on adult shoes (still waiting for Aunt Ilene to send me those pics), so now she does it all the time. Here she is trying on my tennis shoes.
And last night I finished Amanda's tutu for her Halloween costume, so we tried it on. I'll put her in her entire costume this weekend probably after I make her wings. She's going to be a fairy princess.
I have had a kids potty in our bathroom for several months now since I heard you should have one that they can get used to before you actually potty train them. That way they aren't "scared" of it when the time comes. Well, up until now Amanda has been scared of her potty and I haven't pushed it since we're still a ways away from potty training. Well, last night after her bath she randomly asked to sit on her potty and began playing with my shoes (big surprise!), so I had to take some pics! She didn't actually "do" anything, but I'm glad she's not afraid of the potty anymore!
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