Anyway, here's a (crude) pic of the ultrasound they did today. Sorry for the quality, the scanners at work aren't the best. The top one is supposed to be a close-up of the face, but it just turned out to be a big blob. The bottom one is a bit clearer, the baby is directly in the middle with the head to the right, and one tiny leg sticking up from the left side.
I find out if it's a boy or girl around 16-18 weeks, so a little over a month from now. If it's a boy, we're probably done having kids. We both want two, but Mike REALLY wants a boy. So if it's a girl, we'll most likely have to try again after this.
Edited to add: If anyone out there has any advice for adding another baby to the family, PLEASE leave me a comment... I'm very nervous about how Amanda will react to the new baby!!
Well, I already said Congrats on FB, but I have to say it again...
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so thrilled for you! Adding another baby to the family is just like when you had your first. You fit he/she into your lives and do what you gotta do. I'm sure Amanda will be fine, but will probably have a bit of jealousy in the early weeks.
wow! Congrats!
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