Happy 3rd Birthday Baby Girl!
Amanda turned 3 today. She is beginning to understand what a birthday is, which is so much fun. I sent homemade Blueberry muffins with her to daycare on Friday. It would have been cupcakes, but last time I did that, I'm not sure the teacher gave them to the kids (because sugar makes 3-year-olds hyper and they have lunch directly before nap). So muffins it was. She was excited to tell me when I picked her up that the teacher put a candle in hers and she got to blow it out. How nice is that?
Today she got a homemade oatmeal-raisin cookie after dinner and some pudding. Pictures to come.
She is also very excited for her birthday party next weekend (the 23rd). I was going to have it today, but Grandma & Grandpa were on a cruise to the Panama Canal. So I postponed the party so they could be there. Good thing too, because it started raining today and we're supposed to be pounded by something like 5 storms in 5 days. I'm still crossing my fingers it lets up before next Saturday because I have FORTY* people coming. And I cannot fit 40 people inside my house. This is a strictly outdoors affair! We're renting a bounce house, and I'll have play-doh for the kids to play with. We also have a swing set and trampoline always in the backyard to play on. Should be fun :)
* this includes 14 kids, 3 of which are infants and I'm not sure should count, but I counted them anyways.
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