I headed over to LensCrafters one afternoon without the kids and began looking through their cheapest frames. The guy that greeted me at the door was no help. I kept asking what he thought of these frames & these, and like a typical guy, he would just shrug and say they were 'fine'. I was starting to think I was going to end up with another pair of frames that would just 'do' as my nighttime glasses again! My name finally gets called by one of the sales people and I walk over with the 2 frames I have chosen. The lady starts out with figuring out measurements and types of lenses I'll need. Then we get to the frames, and I show her the two I've chosen. She puts them on, takes a look and tells me they are actually a bit too wide, and my eye isn't in the center of the lense.
At this point I am a little frustrated. I had a hard time even finding a frame I liked, and now they don't fit like she thinks they should! But, she has a solution. She asks me if I mind if she picks out a few frames. Yes, please! So then she says she hopes she doesn't offend me... and walks over ot the KID'S section. Yes, the frames for children. I almost burst out laughing! She came back and I tried on I think 6 or 7 frames and finally chose one.
A week later I picked up my kid's glasses and have been wearing them ever since.