So we sucked it up and finally took the kids camping (overnight) over July 4 weekend. We only went for one night in case we had a *really* bad night. It ended up being a rousing success. Both kids slept like babies (no pun intended), and we will hopefully do it again soon!
We went to Wheeler Gorge, near Ojai so the boys (and Ilene) could do some motorcycle riding. The campsite was beautiful, lots of trees overhanging the area for some shade, and the weather was gorgeous. Here are some pics in no particular order.
Grandpa counting Kevin's toes.

Grandma & Kevin

Daddy teasing Kevin that he won't be able to have beer until 2030

Sitting around the campsite just before lunch.

Kevin hanging out in the pack-n-play

Amanda was fascinated by the rocks, and climbed climbed climbed them all while we were there. Her legs are covered in bruises from all the climbing and falling she did! That's our motorhome in the background.

Gathering rocks to give everyone as "gifts"

Eventually she got the courage to climb the "big" rock in the center of the campsite. She was SO proud of herself for making it to the top on her own!
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