Christmas eve at my sister's house, here's my mom & Kevin.
And Amanda discovered Andrew's Leapster. My mom helped her with some of the games, and they had a good time for at least an hour!
After dinner, it was time to open a present, and Amanda picked one from Aunt Erin & family. She opened it and discovered it was the same present she had just gotten from my best friend! Oops!
Then the kids wanted to take a bath, so we ran a bath thinking the older two would take a bath first, and then the younger two afterwards. Ummm, nope. Everyone wanted to get in the bath together. So that's what they did!
(I have no pics from Christmas Day)
On the Wednesday after Christmas we headed to Travel Town at Griffith Park with our good friends the Mascari's. Here's Amanda & Nick next to a train wheel.
And the whole group walking on the train tracks.
I tried to get all 4 kids in one shot, but didn't get that great of a pic. Mady couldn't see over the top very well, and Amanda was being silly.
Daddy helping Kevin walk on the tracks.
And Kevin's FAVORITE part - riding on the train!
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