Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Toys, toys and more toys!

So one of the curses delights of having a large family is that the kids get a lot of presents for all the holidays.  Mike & I each have 2 sisters, 3 of which are married, plus both sets of grandparents and my maternal grandparents (the kids' great grandparents) are still alive as well.  So you can imagine Christmas is just full of presents galore.

Here is Kevin playing with his MegaBloks table from Santa:
January2011 002

Amanda received WAY too much little stuff for her new kitchen, so we exchanged one of them at Toys R Us and let her pick something out.  She picked out a play-doh ice cream making set.

Kevin doesn't get to play with play-doh yet because he eats it, so he watched from below the table.
Then I took him outside for some play time with his bubble machine :)

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