Well, we survived another trip to Illinois for Christmas. This year there was already snow on the ground when we arrived! I have a ton of pictures, but haven't had time to upload any yet.
Kevin ended up getting very sick. He came down with a cough the week we were leaving, and it elevated to a low-grade fever by Wednesday (we kept him home from daycare). It broke some time Wed. night, and we flew on Thursday. He was the picture of excellence on the plane. Slept through most of it, played nicely with his sister. But didn't sleep a wink that night. It was like having a newborn again! He cried every 1/2 to one hour, and neither of us got any sleep. So Friday (Christmas Eve) I ended up at Urgent Care with him where they told me it was a good thing we brought him in. He was apparently struggling to breathe, and had a double ear infection. So he was on a nebulizer the rest of the time, and taking antibiotics and a steroid. I might have gotten a picture of him with the nebulizer, except he would SCREAM through the entire treatment, and I ended up holding his arms down and preventing him from moving. Fun times!
The rest of the time we played out in the snow, went sledding, went bowling (with SIX kids under 6!), and went to BounceTown. The evenings, Grandma Mimi & Grandpa Mark very very nicely offered to babysit so Mike & I got out with some of our friends as well. All in all, it was a good trip, and so great to see our family & friends that we haven't seen in so long!
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