Thursday, September 16, 2010

Best Bath Toy EVER!

So I get Parent's magazine somehow (I think I was signed up when I ordered something on-line), and in the October issue was an ad for a bath pump by YooKidoo:

I'm thinking wow, that is a cool toy! So I go to order some stuff on Amazon and thought about that toy and decided I would like to order it. I find it, and below it Amazon suggested another toy, a fountain version!

OMG! OMG! This is perfect! Both kids like to play with the faucet, so instead of running water their entire bath, I can turn this on! Awesome, so I ordered it. And it came just a few days ago.

Kevin - LOVED IT!

Bath Fun 004

Bath Fun 006

Bath Fun 008

Amanda - LOVED IT!!

Bath Fun 016

Bath Fun 017

Bath Fun 020

Only problem - getting them OUT of the bathtub!

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